• Clean Pelican harnesses the energy of community to achieve transformative and sustainable outcomes by focusing on 4 pillars: Education, Inspiration, Participation, and Collaboration.

  • Litter is defined as “misplaced solid waste.” We often see it as trash scattered along the side of the road and along waterways. People litter for various reasons – some believe it is too inconvenient to dispose of their waste properly; some believe that someone else will pick it up; some don’t think about the consequences of litter; and some simply don’t care. But if we care about our state and the health and beauty of its land, water and animals, then we must learn to care about ending the litter problem in Louisiana. Drivers contribute to over 50% of all roadside litter in Louisiana. They flick cigarette butts out the window, toss plastic bags and bottles on the road, and allow fast food packaging to blow from their cars and truck beds. All of this debris certainly adds up, and the unfortunate end result is the severe environmental degradation of our Sportsman’s Paradise.

  • Each year in Louisiana, local and state agencies spend more than $40 million on litter abatement and prevention. Nationally, litter cleanups and prevention programs cost more than $11.5 billion each year. For each piece of litter dropped, it costs litter abatement programs about $.30 to pick it up. And for litter that isn’t picked up, there are a number of indirect costs that result. Littering has a number of indirect costs that may not be so obvious. Research has found that littering and blight leads to other criminal behaviors, such as vandalism, theft and graffiti due to a shift in public perception that there is tolerance for the disregard of civil and property laws in that community. On the flip side, people are less likely to litter and damage property in neighborhoods and communities that are well kept and litter free. The presence of litter in a community has been shown to decrease property values by approximately seven percent. Litter and neglect deters business growth, and prospective new businesses hesitate to invest in a community that doesn’t take pride in its appearance. Litter also hurts tourism -- people simply don’t want to visit trashy areas, which obscures the beauty of a place and sends a message that those who live there don’t care about it. Litter gives Louisiana a tarnished image.

  • Call 855-LA-Litter, LDWF's anti-litter hotline, to report any potential littering violations including dumpsites and littering in public. LDWF’s Law Enforcement Division is the leading litter enforcement agency in the state.

  • Yes! In the spring of 2016, Louisiana Act 72 was signed into law, requiring that students in grades K-5 receive education about litter and its vast implications on our environment. Keep Louisiana Beautiful has created a K-5 environmental education lesson plans and activities that focus on litter, pollution, recycling, and environmental stewardship to protect our watershed and the Gulf. The curriculum is available for download here (links to Rocksey's Toolbox - Keep Louisiana Beautiful) and is complete with lesson plans, activity sheets, and student standards for both formal and informal educators (parents, troop leaders, etc.).

  • Keeping Louisiana beautiful starts with you, and there are tons of ways to get involved. Whether you’re planting a neighborhood garden, covering up graffiti or cleaning up a local playground, you’re making a huge difference in your community. Taking action now helps preserve our state for generations to come.

    Here are just a few beautification ideas you can start right now:

    • Plant a tree or garden on a blighted corner 

    • Cover graffiti with your friends

    • Organize a neighborhood cleanup day

    • Build your own community garden

    • Take your boat out and pick up litter on the water

    • Volunteer at a Parish Proud event or start your own!

  • Yes, to create your own event or set one up for your school, business, or organization please fill out our form here

  • Picking up litter is a great way to improve the aesthetics of our community and also make a positive environmental impact. To order litter supplies visit our Contact page.

For more information, visit Keep Louisiana Beautiful for reporting litter.

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